Archived congressional records acquired from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point library indicate that, in 1986, there was a dioxin catastrophe of such proportions on Wausau’s southwest side related to the SNE site that the EPA wanted to send in “an emergency response team.” The handwritten notes from Obey’s staffer go on to suggest that the EPA “was ready to …
According to the WSAW Channel 7, in the past, local residents sued parties related to the former Crestline windows factory along Thomas Street, alleging that pentachlorophenol and dioxins from the site had contaminated the neighborhood on Wausau’s southwest side: “From 1946 to 1986, a product known as Penta was commonly used at the Crestline plant. In 2011, during a special …
Among sites of interest that can be viewed in the aerial photos are Connor Forest Industries, Crestline (later SNE and WAULECO), 3M Company (aka Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing), and 3M Company’s massive waste dump at the time – now better known as 3M Park. Imagery was flown April 26, 1974 and May 4, 1974 by Aero-Metric Engineering Inc of Sheboygan, …
Today’s comments urge environmental regulators to add extensive on-site excavation and an off-site pump and treat system to WAULECO’s remediation efforts The DNR is currently reviewing WAULECO’s Remedial Action Alternatives Plan for the next phase of the Thomas Street neighborhood’s groundwater remediation effort. The neighborhood’s groundwater was highly contaminated by pentachlorophenol after decades of its use at the Crestline and …
In a March 9, 2017, Capital Improvements and Street Maintenance Committee meeting, a resident asked the environmental consultant from AECOM (formerly Earth Tech) what kind of dioxin problem WAULECO had in the past. The consultant responded that it was not dioxin, but pentachlorophenol. However, a 2007 letter sent to the consulting firm regarding Thomas Street Construction from WAULECO’s consultant RMT …
Note: The full video of CCW’s presentation at City Hall is now available online through public access and can be viewed here: Citizens for a Clean Wausau presented goals, suggestions, and documentation to the Wausau Parks & Recreation Committee on July 23, 2019. The presentation slides are embedded below. The PDF of the presentation slides can be download here.
According to EPA data, 46% of residents within one mile of the contaminated WAULECO site on Thomas Street live below the poverty level. WAULECO is a subsidiary of Sentry Insurance. Sentry’s earned premiums in 2017 grew by $169 million to $2.8 billion.1 What is Environmental Justice? Environmental Justice policies and initiatives are meant to ensure that communities of color …
A city councilman criticized descriptions and estimates from citizens as “misleading,” but according to DNR records, these statements were completely accurate and were actually taken from the government verbatim. However, claims from the councilman were not accurate when compared with DNR records. Claims in Question City Councilman, Patrick Peckham, has repeatedly made claims that contaminated groundwater entering the Wisconsin River …
Wausau resident’s reaction at the meeting regarding the City employee’s family connection: “I would have preferred to have had that disclosed.” On Monday, the City of Wausau’s Environmental Engineer — Kevin Fabel — spent nearly 45 minutes presenting an REI report to the Parks Committee which dealt significantly with past Crestline and SNE contamination and how it relates to further …
Source: Wisconsin DNR BRRTS The stated purpose of the 2009 memorandum written by a consultant of the plaintiffs’ attorneys was to characterize the WAULECO-related penta and dioxin concentrations that existed in onsite and offsite locations through time. According to the WSAW Channel 7 article, Wausau Residents Sue Over Chemical Contamination, neighborhood residents “sued Wauleco, alleging personal injury and property damage …
The EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports.
An air permit search tool from the Department of Natural Resources. Search for information on individual permits, and copies of permits and related records.
DNR Pages for Sites of Interest on Wausau’s Southwest Side