Award-Winning Local Research from Citizens for a Clean Wausau


July 2023: Excavation of Dioxin Contamination in Wausau's Riverside Park

Love Canal Toxicologist & Member of East Palestine Expert Panel Speaks in Wausau

Citizens for a Clean Wausau Member Receives Statewide 2021 Bill Iwen Award

Pre-Hearing Press Conference Regarding the WMC Lawsuit Against the Wisconsin DNR

prehearing press conference wmc dnr pfas wisconsin

Discrepancy Over Groundwater Depth and the Thomas Street Project


CCW Volunteer Alerts Committee to the History of Connor Forest Industries Property


Runoff Into Western Side of Riverside Park, North of Culvert Area: Part I


Prominent Toxicologist's Letter on Riverside Park and Surrounding Neighborhood

1974 image western edge of riverside park