In a March 9, 2017, Capital Improvements and Street Maintenance Committee meeting, a resident asked the environmental consultant from AECOM (formerly Earth Tech) what kind of dioxin problem WAULECO had in the past. The consultant responded that it was not dioxin, but pentachlorophenol. However, a 2007 letter sent to the consulting firm regarding Thomas Street Construction from WAULECO’s consultant RMT …
City now says it will not do the environmental studies on the former Connor property it told the community it would do earlier this year. Mayor calls concerns about past Connor contamination “much ado about nothing.” Connor Forest Industries (CFI), at 131 W Thomas Street and along Cleveland Avenue in Wausau, was a known dump and buried waste site that …
Wausau resident’s reaction at the meeting regarding the City employee’s family connection: “I would have preferred to have had that disclosed.” On Monday, the City of Wausau’s Environmental Engineer — Kevin Fabel — spent nearly 45 minutes presenting an REI report to the Parks Committee which dealt significantly with past Crestline and SNE contamination and how it relates to further …
Source: Wisconsin DNR BRRTS The stated purpose of the 2009 memorandum written by a consultant of the plaintiffs’ attorneys was to characterize the WAULECO-related penta and dioxin concentrations that existed in onsite and offsite locations through time. According to the WSAW Channel 7 article, Wausau Residents Sue Over Chemical Contamination, neighborhood residents “sued Wauleco, alleging personal injury and property damage …
DNR documents shed further light on the history of the property, which bordered Thomas St., Cleveland Ave., and other roadways. The City of Wausau recently rezoned a significant portion of it from industrial to residential. DNR documents indicate that the “entire plant area” of the former Connor Forest Industries (CFI) property was filled with 3M fill or roofing granules. 1980s …
Source of Documents: Marathon County Courthouse Court documents stamped “Legal Department Sentry Insurance” with “RECEIVED OCT 29 1984” on them, suggest that after purchasing controlling shares of the company, Sentry later sued select Harris-Crestline former shareholders for claims including “common law intentional fraud” and “negligent misrepresentation” that related to the Thomas Street industrial property’s pentachlorophenol contamination. “Harris-Crestline had reason to …
Source: Wisconsin DNR and City of Wausau Through Open Records Requests by a Wausau Resident and Now CCW Volunteer Citizens for a Clean Wausau begins its series of documents related to the former Connor Forest Industries facility along Thomas Street and Cleveland Avenue The Planning Commission and the Wausau City Council recently rezoned 1300 Cleveland Avenue (formerly the Wausau Incubator …
Data provided by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources from WAULECO files, for the period of 1992 to 1998, showed extensive dioxin groundwater contamination in the Thomas Street neighborhood.
Near the current culvert area, in 1986, after numerous waste disposal and storage facilities stated they would not accept SNE’s dioxin-containing waste, official records show that the company then used a building on the western border of Riverside Park to store the drums. A diagram from DNR files shows that it had the capacity to store 136 drums of this …
From an SNE Memo, Then Labeled Confidential. Source: Marathon County Courthouse “Pentachlorophenol does contain HxCDD which is a dioxin. It is not as harmful as the dioxins found at Times Beach, Missouri or Agent Orange, but the one word, carcinogen, makes this a very important issue.” — Memo from Pete Nygaard of SNE (A Sentry Enterprise) to Howard Dolce, …
The EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports.
An air permit search tool from the Department of Natural Resources. Search for information on individual permits, and copies of permits and related records.
DNR Pages for Sites of Interest on Wausau’s Southwest Side