High PFAS Water Levels Identified at Local 3M Greystone Plant
- 2023, 3M Company, PFAS
- November 10, 2023
Data available on the Wisconsin DNR’s Drinking Water System Portal shows that high levels of PFAS were recently identified in the test results associated with the 3M Company Greystone Plant in the Wausau area.
For the 3M Company Greystone Plant, results show that for PFOA and PFOS that the results were 210 NG/L and 310 NG/L respectively, for a total or sum of PFOA + PFOS of 520 NG/L.
For comparison, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services currently has health-based PFAS groundwater level recommendations in which DHS “recommends a combined standard of 20 ng/L for PFOA, PFOS, FOSA, NEtFOSA, NEtFOSAA, and NEtFOSE.”
3M Greystone’s combined PFOA and PFOS levels alone apparently put it 26 times over or above the current DHS groundwater standard recommendations. These 3M results also appear to be the highest PFAS (PFOA + PFOS) water results in the entire Wausau and Central Wisconsin Area to date that are available for public review.
The public-facing PFAS water results of the 3M Company Greystone plant, among many other Wisconsin locations or sites, can be found through a search of the DNR’s Drinking Water System Portal via the “Find Contaminants in Public Water Supplies” page:
The following is a screenshot of those 3M Company PFOA and PFOS results in Central Wisconsin. It can be clicked to enlarge.