“Our health assessment from sample site P-11 suggests that the dioxin is at high enough of a level to cause unacceptable cancer risk. We therefore recommend that the area between sampling location P-10 and P-12 be covered in landscaping fabric and filled over with a clean material such as woodchips to prevent a complete exposure pathway. We also would …
Prominent Toxicologist Comments on Environmental Issues in Riverside Park and Surrounding Neighborhood: LISTEN BELOW — Segment with Oliver Burrows, Stephen Lester, and Shereen Siewert on 1230 WXCO / December 13, 2018 “They are just making decisions that are not based on good science.” – Stephen Lester (WXCO Interview)
At the request of members of the Citizens for a Clean Wausau group, a prominent toxicologist, Stephen Lester — both Harvard-trained and with extensive dioxin experience — agreed to review (pro bono) the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) letter report dated August 20, 2018, on dioxin contamination in Riverside Park and the surrounding Thomas and River Street neighborhood.
The EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports.
An air permit search tool from the Department of Natural Resources. Search for information on individual permits, and copies of permits and related records.
DNR Pages for Sites of Interest on Wausau’s Southwest Side