1300 cleveland avenue pfas groundwater wausau wi

Elevated PFAS Levels Identified in 1300 Cleveland Ave. Groundwater

  The combined concentrations of PFOA and PFOS at two well locations at 1300 Cleveland Avenue were above the Department of Health Services (DHS) recommended groundwater Enforcement Standard (ES) of 20 ng/L. Another round of groundwater testing will be helpful in determining next steps, according to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Per a Status Report dated February 9, 2023 …

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3m company wausau wisconsin 144 rosecrans street

Regulators Allege New 3M Wausau Violations: DNR, DOJ, EPA Involvement

View Key Source Records and Documents for this Post Federal data shows “High Priority” Clean Air Act Violations at both 3M Wausau facilities, and a FIFRA violation for ā€œdistributing or selling a misbranded pesticideā€ Public records indicate that the same 3M facility that received no fines after being investigated by state government in 2016 and 2018 for air pollution violations …

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City of Wausau to Apply for EPA Remediation Grant for 1300 Cleveland Ave.

  The EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant Would Assist with Costs to Remediate Longstanding, Widespread Site Contamination At its October 25, 2022 meeting, the Wausau City Council voted unanimously to approve a proposal from GEI — the City’s environmental consultants — to prepare and submit an application for a U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Cleanup Grant for 1300 Cleveland Avenue …

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cleveland avenue wausau pfas groundwater testing

DNR Requests PFAS Groundwater Testing for 1300 Cleveland Avenue

Detection of PFAS in the Site’s Soils Apparently Prompts Request for PFAS Groundwater Sampling According to an August 2, 2022 email from Matt Thompson, a DNR Hydrogeologist Program Coordinator, to Eric Lindman, the City of Wausau’s Public Works Director, the DNR advised that a plan be developed to sample for PFAS in groundwater at 1300 Cleveland Avenue due to the …

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1300 cleveland avenue wausau wisconsin

Report to DNR Details Contamination Identified at 1300 Cleveland Avenue

  The Site Investigation Report for 1300 Cleveland Avenue submitted to the DNR by the City of Wausau’s consultants — GEI Consultants, Inc. — details multiple Contaminants of Concern (COCs) related to soil contamination on the property, such as Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate or DEHP Arsenic Per the report Individual PAH compound concentrations were identified in the soil …

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excavation boundaries

REI Proposes Soil Excavation for Riverside Park Remediation

  In its June 2022 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) submitted to the DNR, the City of Wausau’s environmental consultants — REI — state that soil excavation appears to be the preferred remedial action for the dioxin soil contamination on the southwest side of Riverside Park. The full 47-page remedial report PDF can be found and downloaded from the DNR …

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Department of Health Services Provides Conclusions About PFAS in Wausau Drinking Water

  In a letter dated May 27, 2022 concerning PFAS concentrations within the Wausau municipal drinking water system that was sent to Wausau District 3 Alderperson Tom Kilian, the Department of Health Services (DHS) provided its public health conclusions and recommendations regarding the local water samples taken in June 2019 and January 2022. The letter states that “drinking unfiltered Wausau …

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PFAS: City of Wausau Fails to Immediately Provide Clean, Safe Water, Despite Residents’ Requests

ALL WELLS IMPACTED BY PFAS FOR AT LEAST MORE THAN TWO YEARS According to the City of Wausau, the levels of PFAS range from 23 parts per trillion to 48 parts per trillion depending on the well. Sampling results indicate that, for over two years, Wausau’s drinking water wells have exhibited PFAS levels that exceed the proposed standards from Wisconsin …

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ccw comments riverside park dioxin contamination wausau wisconsin dnr

CCW Submits Comments to DNR on Riverside Park Soil Cleanup Standards for Dioxin Contamination

The comments urge environmental regulators to recognize and enforce Wisconsin’s own soil cleanup standards to define the area of remediation in the park. The DNR is currently reviewing the September 15, 2021 Site Investigation Report (SIR) from the City of Wausau and its consultants, REI, regarding Riverside Park (02-37-584785 Riverside Rail Corridor). On October 4, 2021, Citizens for a Clean …

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