REI Proposes Soil Excavation for Riverside Park Remediation
- Dioxin, Riverside Park
- June 7, 2022
In its June 2022 Remedial Action Options Report (RAOR) submitted to the DNR, the City of Wausau’s environmental consultants — REI — state that soil excavation appears to be the preferred remedial action for the dioxin soil contamination on the southwest side of Riverside Park. The full 47-page remedial report PDF can be found and downloaded from the DNR BRRTS website here.
In regard to the volume of soil to be removed, REI states:
“Based on laboratory analytical data the proposed excavation consists of an irregularly shaped area depicted in Figure 10. In total an area of approximately 12,950 square feet is proposed to be excavated to a depth of one (1) foot below land surface. Two (2) areas within the initial excavation area will also need to be extended vertically an additional two (2) to three (3) feet to a total depth of three (3) to four (4) feet bls. These areas are depicted on Figure 10 and measures approximately 2,960 square feet. Excavation to four (4) feet bls would remove the entire direct contact zone in these locations.”
The report’s pages dealing with the scope of the excavation are linked to here, as well as embedded below.