Park’s Dioxin Results Nearly Four Times Higher than EPA Regional Screening Level
- Dioxin, Riverside Park
- December 9, 2019
Results are in from soil samples that were professionally taken for Citizens for a Clean Wausau by Sand Creek Consultants and sent to Pace Analytical — a DNR-certified laboratory — for analysis.
Three samples were taken in Riverside Park in November 2019, and the sample with the highest dioxin level — based on TEQ — was five times higher than WAULECO’s recent sample results in the park, and nearly four times higher than the residential EPA Regional Screening Level.
When a contaminant concentration is above the EPA screening level, it does not mean that health effects are necessarily expected, but it does represent that further evaluation is warranted.
The environmental consultant also stated in his report that the “cumulative TEQ value for samples RP‐102 and RP‐103 (19 nanograms per kilogram [ng/kg] TEQ and 7.5 ng/kg TEQ, respectively) exceed the 2,3,7,8‐TCDD Non‐Industrial Direct‐Contact Level of 4.82 ng/kg.”
The full report can be viewed embedded below. The report PDF can viewed or downloaded here.