CCW Submits Comments to DNR on Proposed Testing Plans for 1300 Cleveland Ave. and Nearby 3M Rail Lots
- 1300 Cleveland Avenue, 3M Company, Connor Forest Industries
- 3M Company Wausau
- May 20, 2021
Citizens for a Clean Wausau (CCW) submitted its comments to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regarding Site Investigation Work Plans recently submitted by the City of Wausau and 3M Company, and their consultants, for 1300 Cleveland Avenue and the nearby former CN/WCL railroad track lots, respectively.
DNR BRRTS pages for each site at hand, with the work plans linked to on each of the pages, can be found through the following links:
1300 Cleveland Avenue (City of Wausau):
Former CN/WCL Railroad Track Lots (3M Company):
In addition to other comments, CCW stated that it would like to see bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate added to the analysis of future soil and groundwater samples for 1300 Cleveland Avenue, since the contaminant had recently been identified on the 3M-owned lot adjacent to the Cleveland Avenue site, and that it is well-documented in DNR records that bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate was an ingredient of lacquer or varnish used at the former Connor Forest Industries plant, and it had been identified in the soil analysis of other Connor Forest Industries remediation sites in Wisconsin.
The full letter of CCW comments to the DNR can be found embedded below, and the PDF can be accessed directly here.