ccw letter submitted to city of wausau department of natural resources dnr copied 1300 cleveland avenue wausau

CCW Submits Public Input to City and DNR on 1300 Cleveland Ave.

Citizens for a Clean Wausau submitted its public input about 1300 Cleveland Avenue to the City of Wausau on February 15, 2021 and copied the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

“Dear Ms. Kremer:

We understand that the 1300 Cleveland Avenue issue has drawn the concerns and attention of multiple noteworthy environmental and civic groups within the city and state and even in areas outlying. It is our hope that the city immediately correct its zoning map error that apparently is causing damage and will cause further damage to formally identified environmental justice populations on the southwest side of Wausau.

Attached is a letter from Citizens for a Clean Wausau. Please forward to Mayor Rosenberg and City Council members and include in all relevant packets and files related to public input on the 1300 Cleveland Avenue property.

Thank you for your help.


Randy Radtke
Terry Kilian

The full letter attachment can be viewed embedded below or through the link to the PDF.
