700 grand avenue wausau site investigation workplan approved dnr

700 Grand Ave. — DNR Provides Conceptual Approval for Investigation Workplan


According to public records available on the DNR’s website related to 700 Grand Avenue vacant parcels, regulators have given conceptual approval to the site’s Investigation Workplan. The full DNR letter to 700 Grand Apartments, LLC — which is dated January 2, 2025 — is embedded below or can be downloaded directly from this government link.

The letter conveys that the environmental investigation will further investigate lead impacts and potential contamination from the gas station operations formerly located on the northeast corner of the 700 Grand Avenue parcel.

The DNR provided a variety of feedback concerning the site workplan. For example, the department states that the “results of the additional soil and groundwater investigation must be evaluated to determine whether vapor investigation and mitigation may be required for the future site building and off-site.”

The DNR BRRTS page lists City of Wausau as the Responsible Party for the site.

